The Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists is celebrating its 75th Birthday this year #RCSLT75. Each month the RCSLT’s are focusing on a different theme.

January - Firsts #RCSLTFirsts

I first heard about Speech Therapy whilst attending a careers fair at my school in Belfast, Northern Ireland. I was stood in a long queue for accountancy and as I waited I spotted a sign saying “Speech Therapy”. I was intrigued so I went to find out more. The lady I spoke to was a lecturer at the University of Ulster and within a few minutes I was sold on a career in Speech Therapy. That was back in 1991 (almost 30 years ago 😱). In that time I have never regretted my decision to change tack and apply for a career in Speech and Language Therapy.

In 1997 I qualified with a BSc. (Hons) in Speech and Language Therapy and started working in Hastings. I had a fantastically supportive team of therapists who gave me solid foundations to build my career on. One of my earliest memories of working was being asked to do some Minimal Pairs work. I was handed some cards, a selection of words, which are meant to rhyme. They clearly did if you had an English accent but back then I had a strong Belfast accent and core and paw do not rhyme! I now have an eclectic accent based on living and working in Hastings, East Sussex; ICAN Dawn House, Nottinghamshire; Gisborne, New Zealand; Hertfordshire and now living in Stamford, Lincolnshire.

February - Love 💕 #RCSLTLove

What do I love about Speech Therapy? What’s not to love. I don’t think you can get a much more varied career. Over the last 23 years I have worked with children and young people from 2 up to 16. In clinics, homes, children centres, preschools, nurseries, schools and special schools.
Every day is different. Speech Therapy is a rewarding job. Each day I get to support children, young people and their families to communicate through a variety of means including: pointing, gestures, symbols, AAC devices and words. I love being able to make a positive difference in people’s lives.

I love 💓

  • I love the spontaneous messages from parents sharing their children’s communication successes

  • I love the things that children say (I wish I’d created a book of quotes over the years)

  • I love the variety

  • I love that I’m always learning new things

  • I love working with parents and schools to empower them to develop children’s communication skills

  • I love playing with Lego, Pop up Pirates, bubbles and Whoopee Cushions! My boot is always full of toys

  • I love that I am able to support and develop children’s Speech, Language and Communication Skills

If you are looking at your options at school or looking for a change in career why not consider Speech and Language Therapy as an option. You won’t regret it. Career in Speech Therapy


by Sarah Winstanley, SaLT

Communication Lincs Ltd because Speech Therapy Matters.