Happy New Year 🥳

2020 has arrived…. and like many of you I have written my list of New Years Resolutions.
There are the usual ones.. do more exercise, eat healthier, read more books and meet up more with friends.
Then there is my slightly “speech therapy geek” resolution to be more schwa like.
The schwa sound /ə/ is the most common vowel sound in English. About one in three vowels a native speaker pronounces is a schwa. It has a neutral mouth position , it only appears on unstressed syllables, and it can be spelt with any vowel letter. All the schwas are in bold.
Here’s to 2020 and being more schwa like!

Sessions commence on the week commencing 6th January 2020. See you all soon.


By Sarah Winstanley, SaLT

Communication Lincs Ltd …… because Speech Therapy Matters