Pancake Day


Cooking is an excellent way to support your child’s speech and language skills.  

Collect all the ingredients (use ounces rather than grams with young children to support them in learning and using early numbers)

Take turns putting the ingredients in the bowl.  

Encourage your child to listen to what they need to do next  

Use action words: pour, crack, weigh, mix, cook, throw/ toss, catch, cut, decorate

Make a face - talk about eyes, nose, mouth

Make an animal  - talk about different animals and where you find them.  How many animals can they think of?

Take photos (3-5 pictures) of each stage in making the pancakes.  Print the pictures and encourage your child to sequence the pictures in the correct order.  

Encourage them to retell the activity to another adult.   Can they predict what next at the various stages in the sequence?  


Have FUN making pancakes