How was school today?

How many times have you asked this question and got a grunt or a one word answer.  


Here are some questions you can ask which hopefully will result in some interesting discussions.....

1.  If you were the teacher for the day what would you do? 

2.  Who would you like to sit next to at school? 

3.  What was the best thing that happened at school today?

4.  What was the worst thing about today?  

5. Who is the funniest person in your class?  

6.  What lesson do you wish you had that you don’t have at school?

7. How did your friends feel about school today?

8.  When did you use a pencil today? 

10.  What did you do at playtime? 

11.  What was the most boring part of school?  

12.  Who did you play with today?  

13.  Where is your favourite place at school?  

14.  What snack does your friend have that you wish you had?   

15.   Who helped you today?  What did they do to help you?