Social Thinking

Over the next few days I will be immersing myself in the world of Social Thinking.  

The journey starts with a plane journey to Cork...  



Feeling saturated.  So much to take in.   My take away thoughts: 

- Check social attention no matter how verbally/ cognitively able the child may appear.   

- If a child cannot attend they cannot interpret

- We can teach “hidden (unspoken) rules by talking about expected v unexpected behaviours in a given situation

- There are virtually no standardised test to assess a child’s social competencies involving verbal and non-verbal communication in the moment of interaction

- Joint attention is the doorway to social engagement 

- We socially grow from social comparison

- Talking is not always a ‘data’ exchange

- If you do things that are unexpected you make people uncomfortable or have ‘weird’ thoughts


Looking forward to supporting my clients in developing their Social Thinking..... 


By Sarah Winstanley