Alarm Bells Ringing

It’s almost time to go Back to School. For many of us next week is going to be a shock to the system. Do not expect miracles on day one if your child has got used to late mornings and PJ days or even weeks! I know a few people in my household who are going to find it tough getting up before midday. So with less than a week to go it is time to get back into a routine.

So how can you prepare your child for returning to school?

  • Start getting up at the time required for getting to school on time.

  • Create a schedule of activities you need to do in the morning, e.g. dressed, breakfast, brush teeth. Help your child to follow the schedule.

  • Try and do as much as possible the night before, e.g. make pack lunch, pack school bag, bath/ shower, set out your uniform

  • Talk about what your child will wear to school (this might be different depending on the day of the week)

  • Talk about their teacher and other adults/ peers who are in their class

  • Talk about changes/ new rules/ what will be different

  • Talk about what your child enjoys about school (each child values different things about school. Talk to them about what they are looking forward to).

  • Talk about how they are feeling (it is ok to feel worried, anxious, sad about returning to school)

  • Talk about what might help them (visuals, preparation, meeting a peer for a play date prior to the start of term, etc

With a little preparation the stresses and anxieties of day one of Back to School can be reduced. And hopefully less of us will be shouting “hurry up we’re going to be late”


Sarah Winstanley, SaLT

Communication Lincs Ltd. ………because Speech Therapy Matters