Talking Rocks

Summer Holidays are here….

Here are some ideas on how you can continue to support your child’s language skills over the summer break?

One of my favourite places…. answers on a postcard for where this is….

One of my favourite places…. answers on a postcard for where this is….
Picture drawn by Ed aged 10.

I often encourage parents to create a scrapbook of pictures of their child doing what they love…

This summer use your time together to create a scrapbook using pictures of your child, family and friends doing various activities at home and out and about. For example: on the swing, on the slide, on the trampoline, eating/ mealtimes/ snack times, sleeping, brushing teeth, washing face/ feet, washing the car, on bike/ scooter, in the car, kicking/ throwing a ball, playing, playing in the sand, water play, going to the shops, walk in the woods, playing in the paddling pool, at the beach, swimming in the river/ sea, at the farm, eating ice cream, etc

Talk about:

Who is in the picture - What they are doing (action) - Where they are - What you can see

Take your time creating the scrapbook. Try to include people and activities that your child will be motivated to talk about.

ADD/ EXPAND on your child’s utterances. If s/he says no words, adult uses one word. If s/he says one word the adult adds another. If s/he uses two words adult models three to four words. It is best to do this during child-initiated play, while looking at a book or during daily activities.

Child: “sand”; “water”

Adult: “play sand”; “dig in sand”; “more sand”; “build a sandcastle” “splash water”; “more water”; “water in bucket”; “look water”

Child: “daddy swim”

Adult: “daddy swim in sea”

Step Up

  • Included descriptive terms, e.g. colour, size (big/ little), numbers

  • Use opposites full/ empty, hot/ cold, same/ different, bumpy/ smooth

  • Add more information

  • Introduce new words, e.g.”bridge”; “moat”; “turret”; “waves”

  • Draw a picture

  • Encourage your child to write about their day

  • Create a sequence of pictures for drawing a sandcastle

  • Talk about how they felt - happy, sad, angry, scared

  • List items you would find at the beach

  • Go on a scavenger hunt. Can you find something which starts with each letter of the alphabet.

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside…

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside…

Enjoy yourself wherever you go this summer… I know my boys are looking forward to some time at the beach with their cousins.

by Sarah Winstanley, SaLT

Communication Lincs Ltd. …………….because Speech Therapy Matters