Go on an animal walk

Why not go on a walk to spot how many animals you can find:

  • dog

  • cat

  • bird

  • worm

  • spider

  • sheep

  • horse

  • Why not try and pretend to be that animal - wiggle around like a worm; pant like a dog, flap arms like a chicken, etc.
    Play a game of animal charades

  • What noises do the animals make? Can everyone guess the animal from the noise you make?

  • Get creative and make play dough or plasticine or Lego models of different animals

  • How many animals can you name in 1 more minute?

  • Alphabet animal challenge - can you think of an animal that starts with each letter of the alphabet.
    a = ant; b = bee; c = cat

    Why not make it into a family challenge 1 point for an animal for each letter of the alphabet and a bonus point if no-one else has the same animal as you.

  • Collect up your toy animals and put 10 different animals on the tray. Cover the tray and try and recall what animals are on the tray.

  • Get out your animals and just play
    (feed the animals, wash the animals, etc)

What is your favourite animal?

By Sarah Winstanley, SaLT

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