School Photo

No doubt over the past week or two you have seen numerous photos of children standing by the front door ready for the new term.

For some the start of a new school year does not bring joy and excitement.


The image of an empty door is posted on behalf of those families who did not get to share a photo of their child at the front door.

  • For the children who who had to be in hospital for check ups, procedures and operations, instead of celebrating a new school year with friends.

  • For the families who grieve for a child who is no longer with them.

  • For the SEN children who don’t have a school place because there isn’t a suitable school placement for their child.

  • For the children with high levels of anxiety who are sick with worry about the prospect of going to school.

  • For those children with sensory issues who can’t bear the feeling of the school uniform on their skin.

  • For those families attending endless meetings fighting to ensure that their child’s needs are met and ensuring they have a robust Educational and Health Care Plan ( EHCP).

Sarah Winstanley, SaLT

Communication Lincs Ltd because Speech Therapy Matters